No one talks about their wife’s gobby-giving skills behind her back on my watch. Let’s see this man get what he deserves!
Side note: A lot of people are angry with the men for not speaking up to Ryan, and rightly so, but I think the girls are getting away with dignity murder here too. They all live in the same building and they would know this feeling of being humiliated by a man.
As Ryan and Jacqui walk in, he tells her to have his back tonight, likely because he knows he will be in the firing line.
As soon as they arrive — Ryan wearing that disgusting jacket he borrowed from Jayden Eynaud, mind you — they try and convince everyone how well they’re doing after pressing the reset button.
It all comes crashing down, however, when Sierah asks Jacqui if her mouth has been on or around Ryan’s dong. When she says no, it makes the MAFS cast wonder if Ryan has been telling fibs about their fucc life.
Would it surprise literally anyone?
The “crazy eyes” comment is very quickly brought up by Billy over dinner and Jacqui couldn’t give two shits, really. Did she watch Mr Deeds? That’s where my mind goes any time I hear this comment, which is surprisingly a lot on this show.
This is a mean thing to say, babe. From your husband or from anyone. Don’t justify his behaviour by saying you actually do have crazy eyes. And don’t talk about yourself like that.
Then the comment about giving gobbies (presumably) is brought up, and she starts throwing arms and declaring she deserves better.
She must be feeling really humiliated. I would be. She is allowed to act however she wants upon finding out her partner spoke about her like that.
Big Dave becomes a Big Fucking Angry Giant and annihilates Ryan. I wish it happened earlier, but I’m just glad it happened at all at this point. And I’m glad it came from a man, because you know how men are. They need one of their own to tell ‘em.
You know who’s angrier, though? MORENA. This bride has been going ROGUE on social media, complaining about her edit and what have you. Do I think they’ve edited her to make her look worse than she is? Absolutely? Does she still make me uncomfortable, like she does Carina? Yeah.
Anyway she grills Ryan before taking aim at Paul, who she calls a “little boy”. I’m just glad the bloke got some airtime. Oui!
We finish the episode with a bit of footsies between Sierah and Adrian. He is now using his body parts to communicate because his inaudible speech is failing him. Seriously, thank god for subtitles.
Anyway, cheating scandal! Yay.
Thank you bye x