Pretty average episode, no? Let’s focus on:
The twins (and the other twins, and the other twins)
Baby Reindeer and his bestie
Eliot and Lauren being terrible
Awhina, Adrian and 127 other twins
The MAFS experts have paired one twin with another twin. They are not related. They are both one half of a twin… set? The bride has a twin sister, and the groom has a twin brother. And just to make things even more confusing, the groom also has twin sisters.
I’m just grateful they have different hairstyles to keep my head from falling off.
Anyway, Awhina (who looks like a past MAFS bride whose name I can’t remember) hopes she gets paired with someone who understands her twin relationship.
Great! Adrian (was that his name?) will be perfect for her. Except he won’t be because he is too… hot.
Awhina literally gets pissed off by his attractiveness because other people will think he’s hot too. I am not sure I understand this but go off sis.
But that’s nothing compared to the joke he made during vows about having a child, before quickly clarifying that it’s the four-legged kind.
Considering Awhina is a mum of the human kind, this upsets her greatly.
But that upset is misdirected, because Awhina’s TWIN sister to whom she is SO close just declared that she doesn’t know whether or not her TWIN sister to whom she is so close is a mother or not.
Just lie or tell the truth, brunette Awhina. Anything’s been better than pretending you don’t know if you have a niece or nephew.
This situation only gets worse when the mum and stepdad let the cat out of the bag — or two-legged child — with their wedding speech, talking about what a great mum blonde Awhina is.
If Adrian didn’t consider Awhina interrupting her own parents as odd — she literally called a “time out” during the speech — then the fact that she has a two-legged child at home definitely did the job. “It’s not ideal,” he reckons.
I don’t know about Adrian, but when I was single around his age, I was fully aware of the fact that a potential partner might have children. You’re not 18, open your eyes.
Anyway, I’m sure this will be their entire storyline like some kind of I Have A Child 2.0.
“Besties” Sierah & Billy
Billy is a self-proclaimed mummy’s boy who looks a lot like Baby Reindeer.
Sierah’s — who was on The Bachelor as the show was going to shit — has never been in love and the only other interesting thing I noted is that she has a cat name Pennifer Anniston.
She also said “bestie” a lot which kind of shat me up the wall but Baby Reindeer was into it, and I guess that’s all that matters.
They seem to like each other so, uh, fingers crossed? They’ll make it to final vows and be broken up by the time the show’s over. Probably.
Eliot forgets how old he is
Eliot with one l and one t tells Lauren she would be with someone whos in their 40s. Lauren tells Eliot he should be with somone “young and dumb” in her 20s.
Reminder: He is 35. She is 37.
I’m sure this entire thing will end terribly for them. And I’m not just talking about their relationship.
Thank you bye x